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진·삼국무쌍 진·삼국무쌍 영어로


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  • Dynasty Warriors
  • 진·삼국무쌍 2    Dynasty Warriors 3
  • 진·삼국무쌍 (비디오 게임)    Dynasty Warriors 2
  • 진·삼국무쌍 시리즈    dynasty warriors
  • 전국무쌍    samurai warriors
  • 전국무쌍 전국무쌍 (비디오 게임)    Samurai Warriors
  • 무쌍    무쌍 [無雙] matchlessness; peerlessness. ~하다 matchless; peerless; unexampled; unparalleled; unequaled; incomparable; unrivaled; unchallenged; unsurpassed. 용감 ~한 사람 a man of great prowess. 변화 ~한 일생 an ev
  • 국무    국무 [國務] the affairs of state; state affairs. ~를 관장하다 administer state affairs. ~를 처리하다 transact[conduct] state affairs.▷ 국무부 the Department of State; the State Department.▷ 국무 위원 a minister of stat
  • 삼국    삼국 [三國] three countries[states]. 제~ the third power[state / country]. 제~인 a third national.▷ 삼국 동맹 a triple alliance.▷ 삼국 시대 the period[age / era] of the Three Kingdoms[States].▷ 삼국 통일 the unificati
  •     진 [辰]1 [12지(支)의 다섯째] the Dragon (as the fifth of the twelve horary signs).2 ☞ 진방(辰方)3 ☞ 진시(辰時)진 [津] (나무의) resin; gum; sap; (담배의) nicotine; tar. 담뱃~ (tobacco) tar. 송~ pine resin. 담뱃~으로 누렇게 된 손가락 a ni
  • 대담 무쌍    aplomb; level-headedness; composure; self-confidence; imperturbability
  • 무쌍 (영화)    Project Gutenberg (film)
  • 무쌍의    incomparable; inimitable; matchless; unbeatable; unequalled; unparalleled; rivalless; unemulated; unmatched
  • 무쌍한    peerless; unrivaled; unique; unmatched
  • 국무성    department of state
  • 국무의    government matters; affairs of state
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